Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Weird dream

Is it possible to see a dream and then wake up and continue the same dream and modify it as well!!! Phew...I think it happened to me last was rather comical dream...I saw somehow I caught two thieves in Salt Lake new PNB island. The area looked pretty shady, with lots of dark elements in it. However I realized after catching them that it won't be possible for me to hold them too long simply because the ratio is 1:2 (being logical in dreams, how's that for a change!!!!). So here is what I, mr. crazy mind did..called up police and friends....whoever can come first. Well both of them came and somehow we started chatting (damn...can we ever do away with it...we Bengalis). Suddenly I noticed that the thieves were gone taking advantage of our negligence.

Now the twist comes in the dream!! I woke up rather abruptly from dream. It was around 6:45 am...waaaayyyy before I get up...and I vividly remembered the dream and I thought it's not fair for those rule breakers to get away like I slept again and caught them !! crappy? weird? Dunno what to call this incident but it was something new...something special....

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ruthless summer.....

US is an amazing place...on one hand it gives you many opportunities ...on the other hand though here things are "so" predictable at times it feels so pathetic. I mean you wake up every day at 8, start a call 8:30 am then go to office at 9 am...same people, same kinda work, same stores....thing kinda become repetitive. Somehow I don't like so much of predictability. Living in Dallas does not help much....summer is prolonged here and the heat is so much more's like and dry. Most of the time temperature hovers between 82 degrees and 104-105 degrees. In Kolkata whenever I used to bogged down with work or felt for a used to be my friend to relieve the stress. I am so restricted here in that regard too....with so less places to go and so few people being out in the street at any point of time make things even tough to bear....

I hope to see some rain....yesterday in my newly acquired iPhone (I kinda like it, it's so cool) I installed an app for meditation...and it had a sound of rain...boy...I loved everybit of it....goes to show what imagination can do to you....I felt so badly for rain....and the sound gave me some relieve.....

ruthless summer...when you are going to end??